Events #4
Your Events #4 Layout will showcase all your events. It comes with a campus filter and a way to color code your event categories! With featured events at the top and an option for list view or calendar view at the bottom - users are able to see all upcoming events while also having easy access to the most important ones.
The Events Template needs to use 1 page inside of the Pages Module (CONTENT > Pages) to work. Simply assign the Events #4 Template to a page in the TEMPLATE field inside of the page editor for your events to show up on your website.
eSpace Events Integration
Your events #4 layout is setup to sync your events from eSpace. Your eSpace credentials are connected in the CMS under Account > Site > Integrations, and your events & categories pull into the events module:
Events > Events
All public events and categories will sync with the events module in the CMS, so you can control which category of events display on the calendar under Content > Link Lists > Events #4 Categories. Each category should be added as an item in the list, and the hex color value for the colored dot can be added in the description field for each item. The events #4 layout will then only show events with these categories assigned.
Featured Events
The top rotator on the layout will show events "published as featured", and this needs to be added to events once they are synced in the events module.
Please note the following regarding your eSpace integration:
- Events are only synced one year into the future
- Multi-day, recurring events will not be synced from eSpace, as Ekklesia 360 does not support such events. These will show in the events module as single events
Managing Events
To make changes, navigate to CONTENT > EVENTS
Detailed event help can be found at
- Events: This is a list of all the events with some basic information. Events can be organized by Event, Start Date, and Status.
- Calendar: This is a calendar view of all of your events. This view is where you can edit specific occurrences (for example: cancel youth group for one night).
- RSVPS: This gives you a list of all the RSVPS for your events and can be organized by name, event, email, guests, or RSVP date. A member of the Ekklesia 360 team will need to enable this for you if you wish to use the RSVP functionality.
- Discounts: Only used if RSVP is enabled
- Categories: As an event is created, it can be put into any category. This is useful to organize events and can be managed on this page. It also makes it easier for the site user to find the event they are looking for. All events must be assigned to the category "Events #4" or one of its child categories to display on this layout.
- Coordinators: This lists the event coordinators and how many events they are coordinating. You can also link a Coordinator to the person's corresponding Member profile if you wish to do so.
- Edit Selected Events: This allows you to edit or delete any selected event. This is a way to edit/delete events in bulk.
- Add A New Event: Allows you to add a new event.
Event Images
All event images should be a 16:9 ratio (1,024px by 576px is the recommended size).
Event images will show in the Featured Slider (discussed below) if the event is published as featured.
Otherwise, any event images will only show on the event detail page. Events do not need images - but we recommend having images for all featured events.
If you don't always have images for your events, you can set up a default image to show in this featured area for any event that is published as featured, but has no event image assigned! In the link list (Content > Link Lists) "Events #4 Default Image" simply add an image to the Default Image entry.
Stock images can work great for events - check out our resource page here:
Setting Up the Page
Once your events are created and organized, the congregation can view your events by visiting the events page (normally found in your site's navigation).
You can place custom content at the very top of the page in the section (Content > Section) "Events 4 Featured Events".
The Featured Slider (directly below this content) shows up to 8 of the most recent events published as featured. If less events are published as featured, less will show.
This Featured Slider always remains at the top, while the user can click to view either the list view or calendar view with the icons on the right.
Campus Filter
If your church has multiple campuses, you can set up a group for each campus (People > Groups).
When publishing your event, be sure to add the campus group to the event.
Your campus filter will auto-populate when you have events published to campus groups, allowing users to filter by campus.

Event Categories
Events must be assigned to the category "Events #4" or one of its child categories to display on this layout.
To control the colors of the color coded categories, set up all child categories of Events #4 in the link list (Content > Link Lists) "Events #4 Categories".
If this link list is not used, the event indicators will not be used and the category filter color will match your site link color (set up in your color picker).
Each category must have a link in the list and the name of of the link should match the corresponding category name exactly.
The link description field should contain the desired color html hex value. A good reference is
Events #4 has list view as the default view (below the Featured Slider). Although users can always toggle between list view or calendar view, you have the option to link users directly to calendar view.
Simply add /?view=calendar at the end of your URL string (like You can link users to calendar view from your site's navigation if you'd like - you can sent the navigation item to link to /YourEventsPage/?view=calendar
You can also link users to pre-filtered results:
If you have multiple campuses, you can send users to campus events with /?group=campus-name (like
You can send users to a set category of events with /?category=category-name (like
You can use these special links throughout the site (like on ministry pages) or in newsletters and social media posts!
***NOTE: The Full Calendar view is hidden from users when the site is being viewed on Mobile devices and some Tablets. This is due to the fact that calendar girds are very hard to use when viewing the site on such a small screen. All the information is still accessible through the Event List View. Any /?view=calendar URLs will default to list view on mobile.
Event Details Page
When an event is clicked on, it will show all the information available for the event. If a field within the event editor is not filled out, it will simply not show anything, rather than leaving an obvious blank space. The Event Details page will also show buttons to Register (if applicable) and a button add the event to their personal calendar.