Section Monklets


Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content (sermons, events, etc.) into your pages.  There are a few monklets that have been created that are placed in the content area of your full width sections.

You can use a monklet inside a section by placing your cursor in the content area, selecting Insert > Insert Monklet > "Desired Monklet".

Some monklets allow/require inline parameters to be passed to define items from a specific group, category, etc. and provides details on using these parameters.

*NOTE - Monklets defined with "Section Monklet" in the title can be inserted in the page content area or the content area of a section.  Those with "Sidebar Monklet" can be inserted in the sidebar sections.

Section Monklet - Callout

Displays a custom callout from a link list.  The button text is required with the link in order to display the button.  The find inline parameter is required.  The link image is an option field to assign an image above the hading.

Section Monklet - Linked Image

Uses a link list to display an image with a custom overlay.  The find inline parameter is required.   The optional description displays as the overlay.

Displays a video from a link list.  The find inline parameter is required.  The link should be linked to an mp4 or third party embed video added to the CMS.

Section Monklet - App Link

This is a custom monklet that uses a link list for the app section on the home page.

The link list used should have only 1 level 1 link entry

  • The link title and description displays in the left column
  • The link image displays in the right column
  • The link should contain a link/url.  This is used for the main/fall back link when users are not on a mobile device.
  • The level 1 link should have 2 child links.  1 MUST be named Apple and the other MUST be named google. The apple link is used for visitors on an apply mobile device and the google link is used for visitors on an android device.

Section Monklet - Featured Events Carousel (9)

Displays up to 12 most recent events published as featured.  You can use the find_group or find_category inline parameter as needed.

Section Monklet - Icon Row (3)

Displays a row of icon columns from a link list.  The find inline parameter is required.  The name is the title and the description text displays below the name.  The url/link is optional.

The custom icons are created by entering a custom class in the icon class field.  To see a full list of available icons: or when your site goes live.

Section Monklet - Recent Sermon Tabs

Displays the 2 most recent sermons from the "Traditional" and "Contemporary" categories. Inline parameters are not accepted on this monklet.

Section Monklet - Service Times

Displays two columns from a link list.  The find inline parameter is required.  

The first level 1 link is the left column of images.  If this level 1 link has a description field it will display above the images.  The second level links only use the image field.

The second level 1 link is the right column of service times.  If this level 1 link has a description field it will display above the times.  The second level links displays the name and sub title to the left and the description to the right.

Sidebar Monklet - Featured Events (1)

Displays the most recent event published as featured.  You can use the find_group or find_category inline parameter as needed.

Sidebar Monklet - Recent Sermon Tabs

Displays the 2 most recent sermons from the "Traditional" and "Contemporary" categories.  Inline parameters are not accepted on this monklet.