Content > Pages > Index
The "INDEX" template is your homepage template and is assigned automatically to your home page. In the CMS, your homepage will be titled "INDEX" and cannot be changed.
The header image rotator is managed in the "Rotator" field of your home page. The content that overlays header images ("Together, we glorify ...") is also managed in the "Rotator" field of your homepage. You can have different text for each image or no text at all. You can also add a link to any header image. The amount of content here can vary, but make sure to check any updates/changes on mobile devices as well as desktop, to ensure a good user experience.
The rest of the page is controlled via sections, and the homepage sections function the same way as the "Subpage Default" template.

Home - Next Steps Links
Content > Link Lists > Home - Next Steps
Displays a row of 3 images. Within each item, the following fields are used: name, link, image and description.
Home - Latest Message
Content > Sermons
This section will display the latest sermon that is "published as featured."
Home - Ministries
Content > Link Lists > Home - Ministries Carousel
Within each item, the following fields are used: name, link, and image. You can also add a description that will display under the name. You can add as many items to this carousel as you'd like, and the items will rotate 4 at a time.