Homepage Header Spot
The home page header uses a static fullwidth image.
Static Header Image
Navigate to Content > Pages > click to edit the Index page > "Header Image" field
The Header Image for the home page offers the ability to display a single static fullwidth image.
- Image Dimensions: 1400px by 666px (double for retina)
- Resolution: 72 px/inch - Save for Web
- Format: .JPG or .PNG
Correctly size your Header Images before uploading them to the website.
Help Site - How To Resize And Crop Your Images Online
Header Text
In your page settings, the "Header Text" field can be used to add a text overlay to your header image or background video. This is a full content editor, so you can add text, links, buttons, etc.
To use the styled headings in the example, check out subpage styles info here.