Visitor Template

This template operates the same as your subpage fullwidth page template and supports all section options. The only addition is the viewing of the current campus location/times in the header area of the page.  All other monklets are covered below as well as in the Section Monklets section of this guide.

Header Background

Page Settings

With this template, the "header large" and "header overlay" options should be selected in the page settings. The "Visitor Rotator" is also used, and the text overlay is managed in each rotator slide. 

Campus Info

The campus service times and location info is managed under from People > Churches > select campus > "description" field.


The page is controlled via sections, and the sections function the same way as the "Subpage Fullwidth" template.

Visitors - Who We Are

People > Churches > Select Campus

This uses a church entry to display a custom group of fields for a specific campus. The following fields are used:

  1. "Who We Are Video" - The video must be MP4/H264 formatted video and will display as a looping/muted background video.
  2. "Who We Are About" - left column content
  3. "Who We Are Times" - right column content


Within the Visitors - Who We Are section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Church Who We Are" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify the church record (campus).

ex: {{section-monklet-church-who-we-are|find="battlefield"}}

The "section heading" field controls the section title, and the following section categories are used for the default setup: 

  • Container - Narrow
  • Section Animate - Left Block
  • Section Heading - Centered

Visitors - Featured Cards

Content > Link Lists > "Featured Cards - Visitors"

This uses a link list to display a 3 column row of image/card links. Within each item, the name, link and image fields are used. All images should be the same size/ratio, and the name will display below the image.

Within the Visitors - Featured Cards section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Linklist - Card Links" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify which link list to use.

ex: {{section-monklet-linklist-card-links|find="featured-cards-visitors"}} 

The section category "Section Animate - Center" is also used.

Visitors - Explore

Content > Link Lists > "Featured Link - Explore"

This uses a link list to display a custom two column setup, and there should only be one item within the link list. The name, description and optional button display in the left column. The image displays in the right column. If a url is used, then the button text is required to show the button.

Within the Visitors - Explore section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Featured Link" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify which link list to use.

ex: {{section-monklet-featured-link|find="featured-link-explore"}} 

The "section heading" field controls the section title, and the section category "Section Animate - Left Block" is also used.

Visitors - Staff

People > Groups

Displays all users assigned to a specific group in 3 column rows. The link for the user opens their information in a lightbox pinned to its section.

Within the Visitors - Staff section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Staff Row - Lightbox" is added in the content field. The "find_group" parameter is required in order to specify the group.

ex: {{section-monklet-staff-row-lightbox|find_group="staff-test"}} 

The "section heading" field controls the section title, and the "view all staff members" link is added below the monklet in the content field. The section category "Section Animate - Right Block" is also used.

Visitors - What to Expect

Content > Link Lists > "Featured Tabs - Visitors"

This uses a link list to display a custom set of tabbed buttons that show its related content in the right column.  Within the link list:

  • There should be only one level 1/parent item that is used to display the section heading (ie: What to Expect). Only the "name" field is used.
  • Each level 2/child item represents a tab link and should contain a name and an icon class for the tabbed button. The subtitle, description and url fields will display in the right column. If the url is used, then the button text is required to display the button.

The custom icons are created by entering a custom class in the "icon class" field (ie: fa-play). See a full list of available icons: (substitute your domain when your site goes live).   


Within the Visitors - What to Expect section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Linklist - Tabbed Links" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify which link list to use.

ex: {{section-monklet-linklist-tabbed-links|find="featured-tabs-visitors"}} 

The section category "Section Animate - Center" is used and will animate the link list instead of the section options.

NOTE - Do not use the "section heading" field with this section/monklet, since the heading is setup within the link list.  

Visitors - Church Info

People > Churches > Select Campus

This uses a church entry to display a map and the church contact fields. The church entry must have a valid worship address assigned to display the map.

Within the Visitors - Church Info section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Church Info Map" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify the church record (campus).

ex: {{section-monklet-church-info-map|find="battlefield"}} 

The "section heading" field controls the section title, and the section category "Section Animate - Left Block" is also used.