Resources Template

Content > Sermons

This template displays entries from the Sermons module. The resource types need to be added under the parent "Resources" category, and each record must have a sub category assigned in order to show on the layout (sermon, article, podcast, etc).

The specific sub category labeled "Resources Categories" should remain in place and any options underneath will display as the sub categories on the layout. This also controls the "category" filter.

Landing View

Top Rotator

Shows the 6 most recent Resource sermons published as featured

Bottom Left/Right Columns

Bottom Left Column - displays the 5 most recent Resources with the "sermon" category assigned and are not featured dependent.

Bottom Right Column - displays the 3 most recent Resources with the "Featured Sidebar" category assigned.  The column heading and the sub category slug are defined in the link list labeled "Resources Categories".  This should only have a single link entry.  The name is the heading, and the description field should be a category slug of the matching category in the sermons module (ie: featured-sidebar).

All Resources

Visitors can access the full list and filtered options for the resources by selecting the "View All Resources" link under the top featured resources.