Campus Homepage, Alert Bar & Footer

When a home campus is selected in the campus menu, the following areas will be used.

Home/Landing Page

Websites > Pages

The campus homepages use the Subpage Fullwidth template.

Note: The Index template will serve as the default/global homepage and will display when no home campus is set.

Settings > Link Lists > Alert Bar - Campus Name

Each campus has an alert bar available, and the campus name in the link list title should match the campus record in the churches module. 

Within the link list, the name, description, link, button text and icon class fields are used. A full list of available icons can be found at (use your domain when your site goes live).

To disable the alert bar, add "OFF" to the link list title.

Note: if no campus is set, the default "Alert Bar" link list will be used as the global alert.

Address & Social Icons

Each campus has separate footer that will display when a campus set (see below). The details pull from the Churches module for each campus (People > Churches > select campus), and the following fields are used: 


  • Worship Address
  • Telephone

Social Icons:

  • Facebook User/Page Name 
  • Twitter Username 
  • YouTube URL 
  • Vimeo URL 

Note: if no campus is set, the default address and social links will pull from the White River Christian Church record in the Churches module.

Each campus also has separate footer sections for the following: 

  • Footer Newsletter - Campus Name - controls the newsletter monklet and section background color
  • Footer Sitemap - Campus Name - controls the section background color
  • Footer Links - Campus Name - controls the "icon links" monklet and section background color