Header, Navigation & Footer

Settings > Link List > Logo White River Español


Settings > Link Lists > Alert Bar - White River Español

Add "OFF" to the title to display the alert.

The White River Español navigation item is setup as the last item in the navigation tree, and the entire Spanish nav structure should be setup under this level 1 item. 

This will be hidden from the main site and added in to your Spanish templates only.

Note - the main "White River Español" navigation item title should not be changed and should link to the White River Español homepage.

Content > Section > Footer Sitemap - White River Español

All full width section options are supported, and the background color for this section is controlled by the "background color" field.

The monklet "Site Map Monklet" used in this section will display the parent and child links assigned in your navigation tree (no third level).

Note: Leaving the content area blank will remove this section from the footer.

Content > Section > Footer Links - White River Español

All full width section options are supported, and the background color for this bar is controlled by the "background color" field.

Within the content field of this section is the monklet "Icon Links Monklet", and this will display links from a link list. The "find" inline parameter should be used to define which link list to display the links from.

The links are managed under Content > Link Lists > Icon Links White River Español and use the name, link and icon class fields. The custom icons are created by entering a custom class in the icon class field, ex: icon-calendar4.

Note: Leaving the content area blank will remove this section from the footer.

See a full list of available icons: https://mk040.monkpreview.com/_assets/fonts/icons/ 

People > Churches > White River Español