Connect Detail Page

1) Displays Page Name and Description.
2) Display's the image added to the "Header Image" field. The Header image size is 669px x 229px.
3) Displays the page "Content" field.
4) Each page will need to be added to a group of similar name, and have that group added to a matching event. In this example we viewing Session 101, so this page should be added to the "Session 101" group, which is also added to the corresponding event for Session 101. This area will display the most recent upcoming event, and display image, title, date, and description.
5) This area pulls in a form based on the page name, and adds "Signup" to the end. For isntance, the Session 101 page has a matching form named "Session 101 Signup".
6) This area pulls in a corresponding staff member when the user ID is added the "Class Contact" field in the page. To find the staff ID, edit that user's info in the Member's module, and copy the last set of numbers in the URL. For instance, if a user's edit URL is, we would copy "1306785" and add that to the Class Contact field.