Homepage Overview

Content > Pages > Index

For the homepage, there are 9 fullwidth sections available. The first three are setup with the pre-designed sections/monklets listed below.

Content > Link Lists > Featured Image Kay Warren

This section uses a link list to display a featured image.  The image max width will be 540px on desktop and the height will scale accordingly. The URL is not used. 

This link list is setup with only one item, and the following fields are used: 

  • Name - controls the title (Heading 2)
  • Image - controls the image
  • Description - controls the description text (Heading 5)

Within the Home - Featured Image section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Linklist - Featured Image" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify which link list to use.

ex: {{section-monklet-linklist-featured-image|find="featured-image-kay-warren"}}

Home - Scripture

This is a freeform content section, and all the text is managed within the section itself. The content is using Heading 5 with the "color-white" class applied, and the background color field is set to #80594f. 

Content > Link Lists > Home Columns

This section uses a link list to display featured column rows. The image max width will be 445px on desktop and the height will scale accordingly.

The images will default to the right. Selecting "Image Left" check box option will display the image on the left column. The name is a heading 3, and the description displays as a heading 5. The URL is used for the image and name (heading 2).

Within the Home - Featured Columns section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Linklist - Featured Columns" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify which link list to use.

ex: {{section-monklet-linklist-featured-columns|find="home-columns"}}