Navigation Links

How to manage your site navigation.


The parent navigation items display as heading in your website menu and the related, child-level links, will display below.

You can add, delete and edit links in your navigation module. To access your navigation structure select Content > Pages > Navigation.

From the navigation module you can manage your main navigation related to your main and secondary site navigation items.

NOTE: Creating a navigation item does not create a new page automatically for you.  Your navigation is used to link visitors to an already existing piece of content on your website or external to your website.

You can reorder the navigation items by clicking and dragging them in any order you'd like. Use the arrow to toggle wether the child-level items are shown or not. You can click into a navigation item to change the display text or where that item links to.

Editing Navigation Links

Add, Delete, or Edit an Individual Navigation Item

Hover over an individual navigation item to see your navigation tools.


+  The plus or ADD symbol will open a new navigation item window.  The new navigation item will show up under the current navigation selection.

Pencil  The PENCIL symbol will open the editor for the current navigation selection.  Use this tool to update or change an already existing link.

Trash Can  The TRASH CAN symbol will delete the current navigation selection

Add, Delete, or Edit an Individual Navigation Item

Create & Edit Editor

The Editor has a few inputs that make creating a navigation link a breeze.


LABEL: The label is the text that is shown for your link

CONTENT:  Choose the content you would like to be displayed from your current pages, sermons, articles, blogs or events

           ENTER A URL:  Use this input instead of the content input to link your visitors to outside links

PARENT:  If you choose a parent for your link then the link will be nested under the parent.  In this example below our link will show up under the Contact Us navigation item as a child.

OPEN IN NEW WINDOW:  Select this input to have your link open in a new browser window or tab depending on your visitor's settings.

Create & Edit Editor