Header Image/Background
Within the header area, you can dipslay either an image, video or rotator. The following fields/options are available within your page:
Header Image
This field populates the header background image. If a header video is present, this image will be the preview image while the video is loading and also serves as the fallback for mobile.
- Subpage header images - These images should be 1920x570px; however, the height and width can be adjusted to display a taller image
- Homepage header images or rotator images - These images should be 1920x570px
Background Video
Using the field "Header Video" will replace the background image with a background video. The video must be MP4/H264 formatted video and should have a ratio of 16:9.
*NOTE - This is a looping/muted background video so the video should be kept short in size/length.
If a rotator is assigned to a page, it will be an image rotator (setup under MEDIA > ROTATORS). The image slides will display the image as a link, if a link is assigned to a slide. Video slides will display video in a Lightbox.
Page Title (subpages only)
Pages that use the field "Page Title" will display that title as an overlay on top of the background image.
Header Text (subpages only)
If the Header Text field is used, it will display below the Page title and centered overtop of the header image. It's best to use one of the header styles for this field (under the Paragraph dropdown), since the white header text will display best overtop of the graphic. The example below is using Header 3.