Next Steps Template
Within your Next Steps page, you will see a section selected titled "Next Steps Sections". This is pulling in all the information for the bottom portion of your custom page, so you'll need to make sure this remains in place.

Under the sections area (CONTENT > SECTIONS), you will see the parent Next Steps section, as well as a section for each step. These pull in the content for each respective step, and the parent one groups them all together.
NOTE: None of the content is managed within the sections area, so please make sure these are not edited or changed.
For each of your Next Steps, the content is managed under CONTENT > LINK LISTS. Similar to the Sections area, you will see a list for each of the 4 steps, as well as a parent Next Steps list.
If you click the parent Next Steps list, the items shown control the titles in the teal bar of your page (Connect, Grow, Serve and Reach). You can click the pencil icon for each item to edit the "Name" field.
NOTE: Do NOT change or remove the content in the description field. This is tied to the respective section for each step.
The content for each Next Step pulls from the 4 link lists:
- Next Steps - Connect
- Next Steps - Grow
- Next Steps - Reach
- Next Steps - Serve
To edit the content for each step, click the respective link list. You will then see the items listed for the selected step. You can change the order by using the up/down arrows, add more items by clicking the + sign, and the pencil icon is where you can edit the content for a specific item.
Within each item, the following field are used:
- Name: displays the title
- Link: connects the image and title to a page or third-party link
- Image: displays a graphic above the title - recommended size is 950x540px
- Description: displays content below the title
Help Article: Editing Link Lists