CCB - Groups

Classes - Small Groups #1

The small groups #1 will pull in your classes from Community Church Builder and will display all "group types" that are assigned to the Classes Department in CCB

Groups - Small Group Layout #2

The small group #2 layout will display all group types from CCB.

Category Filters

Content > Link Lists > "CCB Group Categories" and "CCB Group Categories Classes"

This link list controls the category filter for each layout. The name of each link will be the name of the group type used in CCB and must match the corresponding group type name (see example below). The CCB Group Type can be copied from your CCB admin control panel.

You also need to add the group type ID number to the description field, which is listed here:

Sidebar Monklet

The custom monklet can be used to display groups in the sidebar area of your subpage default layout. To add a filter to the sidebar monklet, you will first need to setup your section under Content > Sections. We have an example setup for you titled "Sidebar Section - CCB Groups".

You can select this example and choose the "copy section" button on the right to create your own. Within the new/copied section, rename the title to include the ministry area where it will be used. Then add the Category ID from CCB into the "description" field.

Note: if you don't need to filter by group, you can just use the example section we have created for you.

Then, add the section to the Sidebar Section area of your page.