
Your index.php (home page template) allows up to 6 content sections to be assigned to a page and can contain text, images, etc. These sections will display under the main content of the page.
*NOTE - There are 6 predefined monklet options that can be used in these sections and are outlined below.
Section Fields
In order to edit sections, you will need to first navigate to CONTENT > Sections > Click on the name of the section you wish to edit.
Once you are on the Section Edit page, you should see a screen that looks similar to the image above. Below is a description of the different fields you see in the image:
#1 - Name: This is the name of the section and is not displayed on the website anywereh
#2 - Description: This is an optional field that is mostly used for SEO.
#3 - Category: This is used for internal orgaization/permissions only. It is an optional field.
#4 - CONTENT: This is the main content block and resembles the content/styles of the page content. Often times sections use Monklets or Forms and you can add in a Monklet or a Form by clickling on the Insert button in the tool bar and then selecting the monklet or form you wish to us in that section.
#5 - Background Image: This serves as the section background image. This image should be 1,600px in width by the desired height (for retina images you can use 3,200px in width). The height will depend on the amount of content in the section. A recommended height would be between 600px and 1,200px (double for retina).
#6 - Dark Background: Selecting this checkbox displays the content with the color that is assigned to the Dark Background option in the color picker.
#7 - Light Background: Selecting this checkbox displays the content with the color that is assigned to the Light Background option in the color picker.
#8 - Parallax Background: This option turns the background image into a parallax background.
Section Monklet - Banners

Displays all items from a given link list in a banner row. You will use the find tag to define which link list to use. The current example uses the link list "Banners". It is recommended to use no more than 4 links.
Images are used for the background and the description field controls the title.
*NOTE - Recommended image size is 1024px by 576px.
Section Monklet - Latest Sermon

Displays the most recent sermon. The current example displays the sermon monklet in a section with a parallax background image and the dark background option selected.
Section Monklet - Recent Posts

Displays the 2 most recent blogs posts from all blogs. The current example displays the recent posts monklet in a section with the light background option selected.
Section Monklet - Stories

Displays all items from a given link list. You will use the find tag to define which link list to use. The current example uses the link list "Stories".
Section Monklet - Upcoming Events

Displays the 3 most recent events. The current example displays the sermon monklet in a section with a parallax background image and the dark background option selected.
*NOTE - This monklet has a custom feature. If a background image is assigned to the section the monklet and the section content will display to the left of the parallax image.
Allows for users to signup for an email Newsletter. This will assign them to a Group called "Newsletter". You can then email the grouo Newsletters from the Newsletter Module (CONNECT > Newsletters). For more information on how to create a newsletter view This Help Article.