Content Styles


The content editor box allows you to assign custom classes/styles to elements in the content area of pages, articles, etc.

You can access the styling by using the dropdown menus across the top of the editor box.


Custom Buttons

There are 3 custom button options for your site.  You can highlight text in your content area, select the link icon to assign a link and then choose the button class from the formats menu.  The three options are "button-small," "button-medium" and "button-large".

Call Out Section

A div tag can be assigned the class "div-callout" and will wrap its content in the section background color.

Call Out Section


Accordions are a good way to present lots of similar information in a smaller space, without overwhelming a user with a great deal of text—clicking on a single heading will cause the whole section to expand, revealing the content inside. For instructions on how to set-up accordions within the content editor, take a look at our Help article:

Tabbed Content

Tabbed content is another option when you want to present a couple of similar ideas in an attractive, space-saving manner. For instructions on how to set-up tabbed content within the content editor, please view the Help article here: