Default Layouts

Articles #4

This template uses articles #4 from our layouts site and used for your articles published to the stories category.   All article images assigned in the media area should be a 16:9 ratio (1,024px by 576px is the recommended size).  The header image field allows the assignment of a header background on the detail page.

The online setup guide for this layout can be found at

Detailed article help can be found at

*NOTE - Child categories are optional, but recommended.

Livestream #1

Livestream #1 guide can be found at

The twitter feed has been removed and the rotator made to be full width.

*NOTE - The page rotator is placed in the content area below the countdown.  Rotator slide images are 880px wide.  The height should be uniform for all slide images.

Events #3

Content  > Events

This template uses event #3 from our layouts site and has been assigned to the events page.   The most recent featured events displays on the landing section with links to the events list and full calendar.   All event images should be a 16:9 ratio (1,024px wide by 576px tall is the recommended size).  The header image field allows the assignment of a header background on the detail page.

Detailed event help can be found at

*NOTE - This templates requires that events must be assigned to the "Events" category.  Sub categories are optional.  The group category powers the location filter.

Sermons #5

Content > Sermons

This template uses sermon #5 from our layouts site and displays items from the sermons module.  

All series images should be 2,048px wide by 1,152px tall to accommodate the full width carousel monklet.

Detailed sermon help can be found at

Blogs #1

This template uses blog #1 from our layouts site.

The blog template is a template that is assigned to a blog.  Each blog can be viewed by assigning it a link from the Navigation Tree. Visitors can filter by Category, Month and Author.  All post images should be a 16:9 ratio (1,024px wide by 576px tall is the recommended size).  The header image for the actual blog displays as the header background on the detail page.

Detailed blog help can be found at  

Groupfinder #1

Content > Events > Small Groups

This template uses Groupfinder #1 from our layouts site and has been re-labeled "Care"

*NOTE - All small groups require the "Care" parent category.  Sub categories are optional.

The online guide can be found at

Detailed small group help can be found at