Spanish Header
Top Links
Content > Link Lists > "Spanish - Top Links"
Within the Link List, click the pencil icon to edit each item.
Within each item, the "Icon Class" field controls the icon for each link. You can see a full list of availavle icons here:
Main Navigation
The separate Spanish navigation structure is managed under Content > Pages > Navigation tab > Spanish. The main navigatio items will be listed under "Spanish" and will display as the first level links to the right of the logo.
"Mega Menus" (the dropdown menus) appear when hovering over a main navigation item. A mega menu can be made up of up to 2 sections and second level navigation links.
*NOTE - If you have a link labeled "Home" it will be replaced with a home icon.
NOTE: Do not rename the Spanish item in the navigation. This will not dipslay on the site, but it controls the Spanish subsite navigation structure.
Updating Mega Menu Sections
Content > Sections > Spanish - Nav Sections
The custom sections are added to mega menus through the "Sections" manager. The "Sections" manager can be found under the "Content" tab in the main navigation.
A naming convention is used to associate sections to nav items.
The mega menu looks for a "Section" titled "Nav Section [nav position integer] 1- [column position integer] 1", where "[nav position integer]" is the numerical position of the top-level link, beginning from the left and "[column position integer]" is the numerical position of the column.
For example, the "Resources" link from the top screen shot would have the first column section of the mega menu labeled "Nav Section 5-1"...and...
if you wanted an additional second/middle section the second column section would be labeled "Nav Section 5-2".
If a first level navigation item has any second level links those will also appear in the mega menu as a column of links.
*NOTE - The navigation mega menu sections support normal content i.e. text, images, links, etc. Images will display at a 100% of the column width.