New Here Template

The New Here template is a customized sub page template that allows the user to find specific campus information.
Header Changes
Content > Link Lists > "New Here Header Video"
This link list should contain a single link to a video (YouTube/Vimeo) and will display above the page title.
If the header text field is used it will display under the title/description instead of removing the background and centering the text.
Selection Options

People > Branches
The section under the header uses the branches module to populate the different selection options. The branch title is followed by the "Times Tagline" field and the "Summary" field. The background image uses the branch logo and should be 1024px by 576px.
Selection Made
Once a user selects a campus the rest of the branch information is displayed.
Directions & Parking

The first section uses the branch field "Description". Currently this content area uses two monklets inside a two column grid, but you can use any content you wish.
The first column uses the monklet "Page Monklet - Icon Row" and the second column uses the monklet "Page Monklet - Rotator". Both of these are covered in this guide under "Page Monklets".
The location map displays under this section.
What To Expect

This uses the branch field "What to Expect - Section" and can contain normal page content or page monklets as needed.
Currently this field uses the monklet "Page Monklet - Image Row" and is covered in this guide under "Page Monklets".
The section background uses the field "What to Expect - Background".
Pre Register

This area is currently universal for all branches and uses the page content area and contain any normal page content, page monklets, forms, etc.