Events Template


This template uses events #3 from our layouts site and uses events populated from ServiceU.  This template has been assigned to the "ServiceU Events" page and can be re-labeled as needed..

ServiceU Overview

This template pulls 180 days worth of events from the current date and displays all approved events set to show on the web.

Categories Filter - Displays all departments set to use for events from ServiceU

The featured events are set in the Ekklesia360 events module.  These are the only events that use our system.

Content > Events

Create a new event and enter the necessary fields.  All fields should match the corresponding ServiceU event.

Name - Name of event

Description - Description of event

Start Date/Time - Start date/time of event

End Date/Time - End date/time of event

Location - Event location

Categories - Set to "Events"

CCB Occurrence ID - This sets the detail link and should use the corresponding ServiceU event occurrence ID.

CCB Occurrence ID (Step 1 of 2)

From inside the ServiceU admin area you will go to the specific event to be used for the featured event.  Under the date information you will select the "Edit" option for the event occurrence you wish to use.

CCB Occurrence ID (Step 2 of 2)

Once edit is selected you will be taken to the specific event occurrence.  You will retrieve the event occurrence id from the url.  Copy the id number located after the = sign of OccurrenceID=.

You will paste this number into the custom field "CCB Occurrence ID" for the corresponding Ekklesia360 event.