Sermons Template


This theme requires that you enter the location of your sermons page into a special Link List called "Main Sermon Page" (managed under Content > Link List > Main Sermon Page).


To see existing sermons or add new ones, navigate to Content > Sermons.

This template uses Sermon Layout 4 from our layouts site and displays items from the sermons module.

Help Article: Sermons Overview

Managing Sermons


To create a new sermon select "Add a New Sermon" button.

  1. Detail: Start by entering a title, categories, series, key passage, date, and preacher.
  2. Content: Enter a summary, keywords, and then the actual content of the sermon (optional).
  3. Add Media Any audio, video, images, or notes for the sermon can be added here.
  4. Publish: Once you've entered all of the details and content, change the sermon from "draft" to "publish" so it will show up on the site.

The main image for a sermon should be sized at 790 x 444 pixels.

Note: Keywords are used to generate the special sermon links that show up as a series of small buttons/boxes in the site footer. Make sure these are entered under the Content tab.

Help Article: Adding Sermons

Sermon Series

Your series can be setup under Content > Sermons > Series tab. The Sermon series should include a short summary and an image. The recommended size for series images is 790 x 444 pixels.

Sermon Series