
Monklets are snippets of code that can be used to dynamically display content from the CMS. While they may only look like this - {{staff-page}}, they are working hard in the background with code to display more content from the CMS like your latest sermons, blog posts, articles, a contact form, or staff members.


To insert a Monklet into your content, click Insert > Insert Monklet and select the Monklet of your choice.


Staff Monklet

 Your site comes with a staff monklet that can be used to easily create and manage a staff page. Go to the staff monklet article in the setup guide for further instruction.

Several Monklets have been created that can be used in a sidebar:

  • Upcoming Events 2 Monklet : Displays the next three upcoming events
  • Latest Sermon Monklet : Displays the latested published sermon
  • Recent News Monklet : Displays the most recent three blog post from all blogs