
The "Subpage Default" is your default sub page and displays with a right sidebar. The "Subpage Fullwidth" displays the content at full width without a right sidebar. The "Style Guide" page has been setup to display your site default styles.
The "Subpage Fullwidth Narrow" displays the full width content on a smaller container width. There is also a Snippet for the "Narrow Content" that you can use to wrap content blocks in a smaller container width.
*NOTE - The index.php is your home template and assigned automatically to your home page. This templates operates the same as your "Subpage Fullwidth", except the featured image/video does not apply.
Featured Media

If an image is assigned to the page field "Featured Image" or a video to the page field "Featured Video" it will display at the top of the page content area. If the content area is left empty no feature will display.
Page Title
The page will display the page title by default in the content area. The checkbox "Hide Page Title" removes the title from the page.