Speciality Layouts

All templates from your main site have been duplicated for your Arlington subsite. They will work the same way as your main site, but monklets, link lists, etc. have been labeled with the "Arlington" prefix and will need to be used for all Arlington templates.

Some of the templates need to have items published to the Arlington group in order to show up on the template properly. Here is a list of the templates:

  • Sermons
  • Events
  • Articles
  • Blog
  • Volunteer

To publish any of these items to a group, when you get to the "Publish" page there is an option to add to a group: 


All of these templates also use categories. The categories added to the Arlington parent categories will show up in the drop down list. For instance, for Articles or Volunteer opportunities, you will notice that there are "Arlington" parent categories:

Child categories assigned to the corresponding parent category will show up in that category filter.