Campus Selector


For the location menu in the header, each campus is setup as a group (under People > Groups) and then added to the "Campus Groups" series, which is managed under People > Groups > Series tab.

Managing Your Campuses

The campuses are setup under People > Churches. The two campuses are listed here, and you can click each one to edit the details.

Within the Churches module, the following fields are used:

  • Church Name: controls the campus name in the pop-up
  • Worship Address: displays the address for the location
  • Church E-mail: displays an "email" link under the Contact section
  • Website: controls the "more info" button
  • Telephone: shows under the Contact section
  • Church Logo: controls the image above each campus
  • Service Times: lists each service time for the campus

Note: the campus names under Groups and Churches need to match.