Section Monklets


Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring in other module content (sermons, events, etc.) into your pages.  There are a few monklets that have been created that are placed in the content area of your full width sections.

You can use a monklet inside a section by placing your cursor in the content area, selecting Insert > Insert Monklet > "Desired Monklet".

Some monklets allow/require inline parameters to be passed to define items from a specific group, category, etc. and provides details on using these parameters.

*NOTE - Monklets defined with "Section Monklet" in the title can be inserted in the page content area or the content area of a section.

Section Monklet - Custom Buttons

Displays a row of banners from a link list: Content > Link Lists > Home Tagline Buttons. Each item in the list uses the following fields: name, link, and description.

Within the section, the monklet needs to include the name of the link list.

ex: {{section-monklet-custom-buttons|find="home-tagline-buttons"}}

Displays a row of items from a link list: Content > Link List > Home Connect. Each item in the list uses the following fields: name, link, description and icon class.

Within the section, the monklet needs to include the name of the link list.

ex: {{section-monklet-icon-buttons|find="home-connect"}}

You can see a full list of available icons here:

Displays a row of images from a link list: Content > Link List > Home Stories. Each item in the list uses the following fields: name, link and image.

Within the section, the monklet needs to include the name of the link list.

ex: {{section-monklet-image-buttons|find="home-stories"}} 

Section Monklet - Recent Messages

Displays the 4 most recent sermons. You can use the find_group and find_category inline parameters as needed.