Default Layouts

Sermons #6

Sermons #6 guide can be found at

  • The category "Worship Center Services" is required.  Child categories are optional.
  • The custom field "Full Service Video" has been added to show the full service video button on the detail page.

Sermons #5

Sermons #5 guide can be found at

  • The category "Young Adults" is required.  Child categories are optional.

Livestream #1

Livestream #1 guide can be found at

  • The invite section used from the Invite #1 template uses the link list "Invite Share Options Livestream"
  • The optional alert pop up can be assigned to the page section "Alert Popup 3"
  • The embed code should be placed within the event in the field labeled "live service embed" and when it's time for that event to start, the embed from that event will begin displaying on the site

Volunteer #2

Volunteer #2 guide can be found at

  • Uses the parent category "Volunteer".  All article entries should receive this category.  Sub categories are optional.
  • The detail form has been turned off per your request.

Ministry #1

Ministry #1 guide can be found at


  • The header image and title/header text use the default site approach outlined in this guide .
  • The tabs option uses the snippets outlined in the page style instructions of this guide instead of the approach mentioned in the link above.

Additional Monklets

  • Ministry Layout 1 - Section Events Missions monklet displays events from the event category "Missions Trips" plus the page category.
  • Ministry Layout 1 - Section Sermon Young Adults monklet displays sermon from the sermon category "Young Adults" and does not use the page category.
  • If a section contains the category "Ministry Layout 1 Section CCB Events" that section will display the 3 most recent events from Community Church Builder.  The custom field "CCB Filter" can conain the Group Type Name to filter the events.  The Group Name (eg. Sunday Events) must match the naming in CCB.

Ministry #1 Livestream

Uses the options and monklets from Ministry #1 with the addition of the livestream template options:

  • The twitter handle goes in the keywords field since the description field is used for the page category
  • The buttons use the link list labeled "Live Stream Links Ministry"
  • The livestream code/widget for this page goes in the section labeled "Ministry #1 Livestream Section"
  • The countdown timer uses the event category "Live Event Ministry"

Staff #3

Staff #3 guide can be found at

People > Members > Groups > Series

The Series will include all of your different staff Groups on the template. The Series will not display anywhere, it is used to control the order Groups appear on your Staff Page.

SERIES - "Staff Groups Pastors ":  Used to display all groups in the top pastors area.

SERIES - "Staff Groups Featured":  Used to display all groups in a featured area between the pastors and the filtered area.

SERIES - "Staff Groups":  Used to display all groups in the filtered area.


GROUPS: Groups are displayed to provide distinction between types of staff members. For example, Pastoral, Administration, Children’s Ministry, Elders, etc.

Staff #3 guide can be found at

Special Event #1

Special Event #1 guide can be found at

“Special Event Monklet - Event Location Branches” has been added to display locations from the branch module.

Articles #4

Articles #4 guide can be found at

  • The category "News" is required.  Child categories are optional.

Articles #4 Leader Resources

  • The category "Leader Resources" is required.  Child categories are optional.
  • The callout area uses the link list "Callout - Leader Resources".  Text/description and link/name are used for the callout.

Articles #4 Stories

  • The category "Stories" is required.  Child categories are optional.
  • The callout area uses the link list "Callout - Stories".  Text/description and link/name are used for the callout.

Prayer #1 Prayer Off

Uses Prayer #1, but has the prayer layout turned off.

Groupfinder #2 CCB

Uses the layout Groupfinder #2, but pulls groups from Community Church Builder.

  • The list view from Groupfinder #1 replaces the list view.
  • Department filter buttons display initially and are hard coded for "Community Groups" and "Support and Recovery".  We will need the department name for "Focus" to be added.

Additional notes:

  • The Small Group finder will display all groups when a user first lands on the page.
  • Additional filter for "Life Stage" (Group Type) associated with each department (dropdown filter)
  • Once a department is selected, the dropdown filter "Life Stage" (Group Type) changes based on which department is chosen and the full list of groups within that department displays.

The buttons in the text of your description should contain matching button classes to prevent every link attaching a specific button style even if it is not a button.  You can add any button class directly to your ccb description buttons.  These should be anchors and not anchors within a button and they can contain the main button class "btn" and then you can decide which button to use by adding the specific btn class eg. "btn-default"

<a href="#" class="btn btn-default">Button Text</a>

Events #3 CCB

Uses the layout Events #3, but pulls groups from Community Church Builder.  The featured events tab uses the CMS events.  The category filter uses the Grouping Name (Department).  This is different than the Group Name.

The buttons in the text of your description should contain matching button classes to prevent every link attaching a specific button style even if it is not a button.  You can add any button class directly to your ccb description buttons.  These should be anchors and not anchors within a button and they can contain the main button class "btn" and then you can decide which button to use by adding the specific btn class eg. "btn-default"

<a href="#" class="btn btn-default">Button Text</a>