Annual Report #1
Content and Sections

This layout supports your website's content and full width section options. Each section can contain text, images, etc.
Text entered into the section description field will display as a link in your sticky sub navigation.
Animation Tag

To animate an item in the full width sections you will wrap your text between to % symbols. This applies to the full width content section text, monklet link list titles, descriptions, etc.
Ex. The name field in the screenshot above has the name text 273 wrapped in % tags. In this example the 273 will animate in as the user scrolls.
Report Layout 1 - Article Left Monklet and Report Layout 1 - Article Right Monklet

Displays the most recent article in a two column layout. The left monklet will show the image or video in the left column and the right monklet the right column.
Report Layout 1 - Image Left Monklet and Report Layout 1 - Image Right Monklet

Displays a link from a link list in a two column layout. The left monklet will show the link image in the left column and the right monklet the right column.
The link name is the top heading followed by the custom field for the sub title/heading. The description text displays a paragraph. If a url for the link is used with the custom field for the button text the button will display below the paragraph.
Images should be 16:9 (1024px by 576px recommended).
Report Layout 1 - Image Left Monklet Full Width and Report Layout 1 - Image Right Monklet Full Width
Displays and works the same as the Link List image monklets but displays full screen width.
*NOTE - You will want to manage the amount of text used so as not to exceed the height of the image.
Report Layout 1 - Letter Monklet
This monklet uses a section to show a preview area followed by a read more option to open the rest of the section content. The section description field is the preview and the section content is used in the read more area.
Report Layout 1 - Stats Boxed Monklet and Report Layout 1 - Stats Boxed Monklet Full Width
Displays a row of grayscale boxed stats from a link list. The full width option displays the full width of the screen. The heading is the link name and the description field displays as a paragraph.
Report Layout 1 - Stats Monklet and Report Layout 1 - Stats Monklet Full Width
Displays a row of stats from a link list. The full width option displays the full width of the screen. The heading is the link name and the description field displays as a paragraph. The custom field for your icons provides the option to display a custom icon.