Custom WIG section

Your custom homepage WIG section is set up in 3 columns, with 3 identical monklets. Some of the text has been pre-set up for you in the Section (Content > Sections) 'WIG Section' - and you can edit the text directly in the Section. Other parts are controlled by the monklets, and will need to be set up elsewhere.


The Title, Icon, and Number of any WIG you set up is controlled in a Link List (Content > Link Lists). You can see in the Section which Link List a particular type is calling on - for example, the "And I Will Transform You" WIGs are calling on the link list "wig column 2"

Within the Link List:

  • the Name field controls the title of the WIG
  • the Icon Class field controls the icon that appears with the WIG (see all your icons available HERE)
  • the Subtitle field controls the number set for the WIG

WIG Popout

The ability for a popout has been added to all 6 of your WIGs. Any content for these popouts will be set up in corresponding sections (Content > Sections).

To add in a popout for a WIG, enter the section slug in the Description field of the Link List. If you don't want a popout for a particular WIG, simply leave the Description field blank.

A slug  is the section title, where all spaces are converted to dashes (-). So "WIG example" would be "WIG-example".
You can read more here -

Within the Section:

  • the Description field controls the popout's title
  • the Content field controls all other content in the popout
  • the Background Image is where you can upload an image for the background of the popout