F1 Login

The navigation and footer contain a Fellowship One login that will take a users F1 Infellowship valid login. Once logged in the user can view any CMS pages that have a group that is assigned to the group series "F1 Private Groups". If someone attempts to access a page assigned to a group in this series the user will receive a login option message.
Content > Link Lists > "Private - Logout Page" - page assigned to this link list will be used for the logout landing page.
Content > Link Lists > "Private - Unauthorized Page" - page assigned to this link list will be used for the unauthorized landing page.
Content > Link Lists > "Footer Private Button" - page assigned to this link list will be used for the member button once logged in.
Content > Section > "Login Text" - Text that displays above the login form.
Content > Link Lists > "Private - Landing Page" to edit the link to a page that is used for the successful login landing. You can control whatever content you like on this page.