Home Page Editing
To begin editing the home page, go to Content > Pages > INDEX

1. Title: Unlike most other pages, you cannot change the title of the home page. The INDEX page is the home page.
2. URL: This is the URL location of the page—because this is a home page, do not add to or change the URL.
3. Description: Add a description of the church or organization in sentence form that helps with SEO.
4. Content: Any words or images entered into the CONTENT field will appear below the rotator/header image/video space. While this is an option, Sections are best used to add content to the home page.
5. Keywords: Add a list of keywords associated with the church or organization. Use words separated by commas that help with SEO.

6. Header Background Video: Add a full-width background video.
7. Header Text: Content entered here will be displayed if a header background video is being utilized.

8. Hide Page Title: This is not used on the home page.
9. Show in Navigation: Check this if you want the home page to be displayed in the Navigation. In order to change the link in navigation from "Index" to something like "Home" you must change the label name in the navigation section.
10. Location: This cannot be changed for the home page.
11. Header Image: This is where to enter a header image.
12. Rotator: This is where to enter a rotator.
13: Template: While you can change the template, the Home Page template is created specifically for Index and should be kept as homepage in order to utilize sections.

14: Sections: Sections are the best way to utilize your home page to make it both unique and informative.
Sections 1-09: These sections can be changed around. If you are going to use any of the pre-designed sections, it is recommended to only use sections with "Home" in their title. Other types sections (especially Sidebar sections) are not intended to be used for the INDEX page. Most of the pre-designed sections use a monklet to pull in information from other modules (examples: Events Module, Sermons Module, etc.) but some sections use the regular content editor to display some or all of the section content.
Feel free to play around with the order and what sections are shown/not shown. Use the "edit section" to the right of the section to edit any information located within this section. This allows for easy editing and navigation when working on the home page.
Also, For an example of some of the other pre-designed sections that can be added to your INDEX Page, please review the Complex Homepage (CONTENT > Pages > Complex Home).
You can also create your own sections by going to CONTENT > Sections > Add New Section if you would like.