Next Steps #1
Quick Start - Setup Overview
Template Overview

The Next Steps #1 layout is designed to provide a landing page for users who want to get more involved in your church! This is a great place to highlight key ministries, point people to volunteer opportunities, and link out to other important content on your site.
- Like most pages on your site's theme, you can assign an image to the layout's header area.
- The page title (along with an optional subtitle) will overlay the header image.
- This small rotator will appear near the bottom of your page's header image, and it's a good place to callout upcoming events, an exciting sermon series, or a special service opportunity.
- You'll use the page WYSIWYG editor to manage this content area.
- Each featured item grabs the user's attention with an engaging rollover animation and links to a separate page.
- Up to eight different items can fill the grid layout. When clicked, a grid item will expand to fill the entire screen, providing a lot of real estate to feature various kinds of content—this is a terrific way to communicate a lot of information, while keeping the user on the page.
- This layout features an optional "floating" link that remains on the lower-right of the screen, which can link out to a ChMS login, a form to sign up for your weekly newsletter, or your church's Facebook page!
Page Setup & Content Entry

- Under Content > Pages, you can "Add a New Page" and then select "Next Steps 1" as the template.
- Choose a header image for the page, just as you would for any standard page on your site.
- The page title will overlay the header image automatically, and you can also add a subtitle below the main title by using the page's Description field.
- Use the WYSIWYG editor to enter any content you want to appear right beneath the header image.
Top Links Rotator

- This small rotator is managed using a Link List (Content > Linklists): "Next Steps 1 - Announcements"
- Each item in the list will need a name, a link, an image, and a short description. (Image dimensions: 228 x 128 pixels.)
Featured Items

- These featured items are managed with a Link List (Content > Linklists): "Next Steps 1 - Featured Row"
- Each item in the list needs to have a name, a link, and an image. (Image dimensions: 690 x 388 pixels.)
- You can add more than 3 featured items, which will create multiple rows. However, we suggest keeping the amount of your featured items in multiples of 3.
Grid Layout

- The grid layout is managed by assigning sections to the page itself.
- Each section (Content > Sections) will need the following elements:
- Name (Use "Next Steps Grid - " at the start of the section name to make it easier to find/manage)
- Description (Will function as a subtitle for the grid item)
- Content (Size and amount can vary as needed)
- Background Image (Will serve as the main image for the item. Image dimensions: 672 x 378 pixels)
- Icon Class (Add a special icon for the grid item - your theme setup guide should provide a link where you can view all of the available icons.)
- You can add up to 8 sections to your page.
Floating Link

- The Floating Link is optional and can easily be controlled with a Link List (Content > Linklists): "Next Steps 1 - Floating Link"
- Don't add more than one item to this list and make sure you've included a name, a link, and an icon class. (Your theme setup guide should provide a link where you can view all of the available icons.)
Publish the Page
- Once your page has been setup, and all the fields and special content areas are ready to go, make sure to choose the "Publish" option, so that your page is accessible by the public.