
Images Sizes

Below are some common image sizes for your site.

Page Header Image: 3,840px wide by 1,440px tall.  For templates that have a custom bottom section for the header area (index and visit templates) the images should be 3,840px wide by 2,160px tall.

Module Header Images:  These should be the same size as the Page Header Image (3,840px wide by 1,440px tall).  This includes the Header Image field for modules such as articles, events, etc.  Note that most of these modules have two different image fields.  The image assigned to the item and the header image.  Typically header images are larger and are used for the detail page of the item where the image field is typically used for monklets, etc. and are smaller (typically a 2,048px wide by 1,152px tall).

Module Images:  Unless noted otherwise in this guide most module (sermons, events, etc.) images should be 2,048px wide by 1,152px tall.

Template Image Exceptions:

  • Staff Layout #3 - The key is to keep all staff images the same size.  For horizontal layout the recommended size is 2,048px wide by 1,152px tall.  For a more vertical/square layout of images the recommended size is 600px wide by 600px tall.

Section Parallax Images:  Images used in the full width section background image option should be 3,840px in width by the desired height.  The height will depend on the amount of content in the section.  A recommended height would be between 2,400px and 3,600px.

Monklet Images: These will use the module images associated with the monklet and unless noted otherwise in this guide eg. most module (sermons, events, etc.) images should be 2,048px wide by 1,152px tall.