index.php (Home)


The index.php supports all Section Monklets.  The header area allows some custom options.

Header Text

The header text supports custom html tags with classes to display the custom blue overlay.  The entire text block should be wrapped in a div tag with the classes "div-callout small".  The heading 1 should be wrapped in a div tag with the class "div-callout-heading".  The heading 1 text should have break return tags (<br>) where you want the text to break and you can add span tags with one of the 4 custom color text classes to update the color of specific words.  There are also two custom button classes you can manually add to the anchor .btn (.btn-billboard-light and .btn-billboard-dark).

*NOTE - You can also add medium or large in place of small to the div-callout to increase the width of the blue overlay.

Example HTML:

<div class="div-callout small">

<div class="div-callout-heading">

<h1>You<br /><span class="text-orange">Matter</span><br />To God.</h1>


<p class="p-large">Together, we&rsquo;re sharing the great story of God&rsquo;s radical love with a love-broke world.</p>

<p><a class="btn btn-billboard-light" href="/pageid-1114767/">Visit With Us</a> <a class="btn btn-billboard-dark" href="/pageid-1114767/">About Rockpoint</a></p>


Billboard Bottom

This section should contain a section that has the monklet "Billboard Bottom Monklet Service Times".  This monklet uses a linklist and each link is a service times entry.  The Join heading and Service Times heading can only be changed from within the actual monklet.