index.php (Home)
Header Text
The header text supports custom html tags with classes to display the custom blue overlay. The entire text block should be wrapped in a div tag with the classes "div-callout small". The heading 1 should be wrapped in a div tag with the class "div-callout-heading". The heading 1 text should have break return tags (<br>) where you want the text to break and you can add span tags with one of the 4 custom color text classes to update the color of specific words. There are also two custom button classes you can manually add to the anchor .btn (.btn-billboard-light and .btn-billboard-dark).
*NOTE - You can also add medium or large in place of small to the div-callout to increase the width of the blue overlay.
Example HTML:
<div class="div-callout small">
<div class="div-callout-heading">
<h1>You<br /><span class="text-orange">Matter</span><br />To God.</h1>
<p class="p-large">Together, we’re sharing the great story of God’s radical love with a love-broke world.</p>
<p><a class="btn btn-billboard-light" href="/pageid-1114767/">Visit With Us</a> <a class="btn btn-billboard-dark" href="/pageid-1114767/">About Rockpoint</a></p>