
Content > Link Lists > "Header Links"

These will display on larger screens/desktop between the logo and the menu icon.

Content > Link Lists > "Social Links"

These will display on larger screens/desktop at the end of the "Header Links".  If you use the image field images should be 22px by 22px.  You can also use the icon font by placing the icon class in the "Icon Class" field.

You can see a full list of icons here: https://northheights.church/_assets/fonts/icons/icomoon/

Content > Pages > Navigation

The navigation will display up to 3 levels of links and will display at the top of the navigation menu.

Content > Link Lists > "Navigation Links" - These links will display directly under your navigation tree links.

Content > Link Lists > "Navigation Links Alt" - These are the last set of links and will display below the "Navigation Links" and above the site search.