Content > Pages > Index
The index.php is your home template and is assigned automatically to your home page. In the CMS, your homepage will be titled "INDEX" and cannot be changed.
The content that overlays the header image ("All Are Welcome") is managed using the "Header Text" field in your homepage. The amount of content here can vary, but make sure to check and updates/changes on mobile devices as well as desktop, to ensure a good user experience.
The rest of the page is controlled via sections, and the homepage sections function the same way as the "Subpage Default" template.

Home - Get to Know Us
Content > Sections > Home - Get to Know Us
The section title and content is managed within the section "content" field. The background is controlled via the "background color" and "background image" fields. The "narrow content" option is also selected, so the width of the text is reduced.
Home - Get Connected
Content > Sections > Home - Get Connected
The section title is managed in the section "content" field. This setup uses a combination of monklets and link lists to manage the various content. SEE OVERVIEW HERE >>
Home - Featured Event
Content > Sections > Home - Featured Event
The section title is managed within the section "content" field. The background is controlled via the "background color" and "background image" fields.
In the content field, the {{featured-calendar-event}} monklet is used to display the latest event that is published as featured (Content > Events). This monklet is also using the "find_category" parameters to pull the latest featured event assigned to the "Artist Series" category.
Example: {{featured-calendar-event|find_category="artist-series"}}
Home - What's Happening
Content > Sections > Home - Get to Know Us
The section title is managed within the section "content" field. The background is controlled via the "background color" and "background image" fields. The "dark background" option is also selected, so the section title and boxes display white against the dark background.
For the content, this section uses the {{featured-links}} monklet to pull the images/content from the "Featured Links - Home" link list. SEE OVERVIEW HERE >>