Section Monklets


Monklets are predefined code snippets that allow you to bring other module content into your pages (ie: events.). There are a few monklets that have been created that are placed in the content area of your fullwidth sections on your Subpage and Homepage.

You can use a monklet inside a section by placing your cursor in the content area and selecting:

Insert > Monklet > "Desired Monklet"

Some monklets allow inline parameters to be added into the monklet tag to pull items from a specific group, category, etc. -> see this help article for details. For additional information about using monklets, check out our help article here.

Note: you will see some additional monklets listed for your custom layouts (ministry, new here, etc); however, these are only used with the respective layouts.

Circle Column Layout

Used in the Home - Get Connected section

Displays three alternating rows of image/content, and the steps to using this monklet/setup are listed below.

Step 1: Setup the Content

Create a section for each row: Content > Sections. For the homepage setup, you'll use the following sections:

GET CONNECTED - CONTENT 1: controls the content area for "Worship at Trinity"

  • The text is managed in the section "content" field. The section "name" is for internal use only.
  • The audio player uses the {{latest-sermon-audio-player}} monklet to automatically pull in the latest sermon audio
  • For the service times, the {{worship-service-times}} monklet is included in the section and the info is managed under a separate link list: Content > Link Lists > Worship Service Times. The days are listed as parent items which serve as the tabs for the schedule, and each service time is listed underneath. For each time, you can edit the name (time), link and description.

GET CONNECTED - CONTENT 2: controls the content area for "Formation Classes"

  • The text and button link are managed in the section "content" field. The section "name" is for internal use only.

GET CONNECTED -  CONTENT 3: controls the content area for "Service"

  • The text and button link are managed in the section "content" field. The section "name" is for internal use only.

Create a link list by going to Content > Link Lists > Add a New Link List. The homepage section uses the link list titled: "Get Connected - Content Areas"

The following fields are used:

  • Name: controls the title showing for each row
  • Image: controls the image displaying next to the content. (ADD SIZE HERE). The circle orientation will automatically be added to your image.
  • Description: should include the "slug" title for the corresponding content section (from step 1). This must match the section titles but use all lowercase and dashes instead of spaces. ex: get-connected-content-1
  • Icon Class: controls the circle icon next to the title/text. You can see a full icon set here:

Step 3: Create the Section

Insert the "circle column layout" monklet into a section and tell it to "find" the name of the link list you created using the inline parameter syntax.

Example: {{circle-column-layout|find="get-connected-content-areas"}}

For help with using link lists, check out our help article here:

For help differentiating pages, sections, link lists, and monklets, check out our help article here:

Used in the Home - What's Happening section

Displays rows of images/links. Steps to using this monklet:

  1. Create a link list by going to Content > Link Lists > Add a New Link List. The homepage section uses the link list titled: "Featured Links - Home"
  2. Add a new link and include the name, URL or page you want to point to, image, description and button text (ADD SIZE HERE).
  3. Insert the monklet into a page/section and tell it to "find" the name of the link list you created using the inline parameter syntax.

Example: {{ministry-links-monklet|find="featured-links-home"}}

Used in the Home - Featured Event section

Displays the latest event added to the Events module that is published as featured (Content > Events). If you'd like to display the most recent featured event from a specific category or group, you can use the "find_group" or "find_category" parameters. To use this monklet, simply insert it into a section. 

The homepage section is setup to pull the latest featured event assigned to the "Artist Series" category, and the monklet setup looks like this:

Example: {{featured-calendar-event|find_category="artist-series"}}

Free Admission

To display this tag, the "Free Admission" category also needs to be assigned to the event.

For help on adding events, check out our help article here:

For help on using inline parameters, check out our help article here:

Displays the latest class event added to the Events module that is published as featured (Content > Events). Classes need to have the parent "Classes" category assigned.

To use this monklet, simply insert it a section, and then add the section to your page.

Example: {{featured-class-finder-event}}

Featured Volunteer Article

Displays the latest volunteer article added to the Articles module that is published as featured (Content > Events). Classes need to have the parent "Volunteer" category assigned.  If you'd like to display the most recent featured article from a specific category or group, you can use the "find_group" or "find_category" parameters. To use this monklet, simply insert it into a section. 

Example: {{featured-volunteer-article|find_category="children"}}

Specialty Monklets

These specialty monklets can be inserted in the page content area of a Subpage Default template.

Staff Monklet

The "Staff Monklet" can be inserted into the content area of a page to display a list of staff members.  This monklet displays all members assigned to the group "Staff".

The "Gallery Monklet" can be inserted into the content area of a page to display a specific photo gallery grid.

After you insert the monklet, the specific gallery name you want to display needs to be added using the "find_gallery" parameter. The name of the gallery should be in slug format, which is the gallery name in lowercase with dashes in place of spaces.

For example, if you created a Gallery titled "Kids Photos", the monklet tag structure would look like this:  {{gallery-monklet|find_gallery="kids-photos"}}