Spanish Specialty Layouts

Spanish - Staff #3

The Staff page for your Spanish subsite uses "Spanish - Staff #3".

The Spanish staff page will display all groups assigned to the following "Spanish" series:

  • Spanish - Staff Groups Pastors - displays as the top group on the staff layout
  • Spanish - Staff Groups Featured - displays as the second group on the staff layout
  • Spanish - Staff Groups - dipslays one or more groups underneath the filter bar

Setup Guide: Staff Layout #3

Spanish - Sermons #5

The Sermons page for your Spanish subsite uses "Spanish - Sermons #5"

The Spanish - Sermons page will show all sermons published to the "Spanish" group.

To publish a sermon to a group, you will choose to "Add Another Group" on the Publish page when you are adding a new sermon.

Spanish - Blogs #3

The Blog for your Spanish site uses the Blog named "Spanish Blog". You can edit the name of this blog as needed and add new posts to it for them to show up on the Spanish site.

You can also add new blogs to the Spanish site by assigning it to the Spanish - Blogs #3 template when creating a new blog.

Setup Guide: Blogs Template

Spanish - Events #3

The Event page for your Spanish subsite uses "Spanish - Events #3".

This template will display all events that are published to the group "Spanish". Events that are added to the "Spanish" group will be hidden from the English events page.

To add an Event to the "Spanish" group, on the "Publish" page of the event, you can choose additional Groups to add to the event.

The category filter on the event list and calendar will display all categories added to the "Spanish" parent category

Setup Guide: Events Layout #3