New Here Layout #3
This layout uses sections and monklets to display information for new guests at your church. Something to note is that if you want the sections to be flush with each other (such as the Grid Links and Featured Events, or Featured Article and Church Location monklets below), you will need to insert the monklets into the same section.
What to Expect

In order to display a row of featured links with icons you will use the monklet "Newhere Layout 3 - Featured Links". Before this monklet is placed in the Content field of the page or section, you will first need to create the link list and then enter the link list title into the monklet code.
Content > Link Lists > Create "Your New Featured Links"
Each link item should contain a name and link. The description fields is optional and to display an icon you will insert and icon class name in the icon class field. Your site setup guide should contain a link to the icon classes available for your site.
When you have completed the creation of the new link list you can go to the section/page content area and insert the monklet labeled "Newhere Layout 3 - Featured Links". Once the monklet is inserted you will enter the link list name into the monklet code using an inline parameter. Click here for instructions on using inline parameters.
Grid Links

In order to display a grid row of image links you will use the monklet "Newhere Layout 3 - Grid Links". Before this monklet is placed in the Content field of the page or section, you will first need to create the link list and then enter the link list title into the monklet code.
Content > Link Lists > Create "Your New Grid Links"
Each link item should contain a name, link and image. Images should be uniform in size and the recommended image size is a ratio of 16:9 (1,024 pixels in width by 576 pixels in height). The description field displays when the grid item is clicked. The description field of the link list will display as paragraph text. If you would like to have a full html section content for a grid item you can do so by creating a section with the desired content. Once created you will place the slug of the section in the corresponding link description field with curly braces. If you create a section labeled "My Grid Section" the link description field should contain the slug as {{my-grid-section}}. If a link is entered into the item it will displays as a "Learn More" link.
When you have completed the creation of the new link list you can go to the section/page content area and insert the monklet labeled "Newhere Layout 3 - Grid Links". Once the monklet is inserted you will enter the link list name into the monklet code using an inline parameter. Click here for instructions on using inline parameters.
Featured Event

In order to display a featured event you will use the monklet "Newhere Layout 3 - Featured Event ". Once the monklet is inserted into the section/page content area you can use optional inline parameters to display events from a specific group or category. Click here for instructions on using inline parameters.
*NOTE - The events module has a field labeled "Header Image", which is used to populate the background image for the event area. The recommended header image size should be listed in your site specific setup guide.

In order to display a list of specific staff members you will use the monklet "Newhere Layout 3 - Staff". Before this monklet is placed in the Content field of the page or section, you will first need to make sure you have staff members created (People > Members) and have them assigned to a specific group (People > Groups). For staff member images you should follow your site specific setup guide for image sizes.
When you have completed the creation of the staff members and the related group you can go to the section/page content area and insert the monklet labeled "Newhere Layout 3 - Staff". Once the monklet is inserted you will enter the group name into the monklet code using an inline parameter. Click here for instructions on using inline parameters.
Featured Article

In order to display a featured article you will use the monklet "Newhere Layout 3 - Featured Article". Once the monklet is inserted into the section/page content area you can use optional inline parameters to display events from a specific group or category. Click here for instructions on using inline parameters. The article header image is used for the area background image and the article media image or video is displayed in the left column.
*NOTE - The articles module has a field labeled "Header Image", which is used to populate the background image for the event area. The left image displays from the article image in the media area. The recommended image sizes should be listed in your site specific setup guide.
Church Location

In order to display a map and location information for your church you will use the monklet "Newhere Layout 3 - Church Location". Before this monklet is placed in the Content field of the page or section, you will first need to make sure you have a church created (People > Churches) and have the church assigned to a specific group (People > Groups). The address field for the church is required and the Campus Info link is populated when a full URL is placed in the website field.
When you have completed the creation of the church and the related group you can go to the section/page content area and insert the monklet labeled "Newhere Layout 3 - Church Location". Once the monklet is inserted you will enter the group name into the monklet code using an inline parameter. Click here for instructions on using inline parameters.
In order to have the map flush with the section above it, you will need to use the Church Location monklet in the same section as the previous monklet. In the standard layout example, the Featured Article monklet and the Church Location monklet are inserted next to each other, like this: