Newsletter Template

The newsletter content will display above the sections. The content will display on a blue background with 20px padding.
Each section assigned will display the section content on a blue background with 20px padding.
- Images assigned to the section "Background Image" field should be 600px in width. There is no restriction on height. This image will display at the top of each content section.
- The class"btn" is required to display a link with the newsletter button style. You can use any of the editor pre-defined buttons. There is only one style so any of these buttons will display at the same size/style. Icons are not supported.
Social Links
Content > Link Lists > "Newsletter Social Links"
These links display in the footer and each link should contain a url and an image. The current images have been designed and added. If you need additional images you will want to make sure they are transparent .png files and are 14px in height. There is no restriction on width.