Editing the Homepage
To begin editing the home page, go to Content > Pages > INDEX
Note: a custom check box option for "Dark Opaque" is added to your pages module. This will apply a dark overlay to the header image or background video, and the color pulls from the “dark opaque” color picker item.

1. Title: Unlike most other pages, you cannot change the title of the home page. The INDEX page is the home page.
2. URL: This is the URL location of the page—because this is a home page, do not add to or change the URL.
3. Description: A description of the church or organization in sentence form that helps with SEO.
4. Content: Any words or images entered into the CONTENT field will appear below the rotator/header image/video space.
5. Keywords: A list of keywords associated with the church or organization. Use words separated by commas that help with SEO.

6. Header Background Video: Add a full-width background video.
7. Header Large: You have the option to reduce the size of your header. The default is a standard 16:9 ratio, but if you uncheck this box, it will reduce height of the header.
8. Header Text: Content entered here will be displayed overtop of the header image or header background video.
9. Hide Page Title: this is not applicable for the home page, but this option is available for your subpages.
10. Show in Navigation: Check this box to add a link to the 'Index' home page in the site Navigation. When the navigation link is created, the label will read 'Index.' You can change the navigation label to say 'Home' instead of 'Index' in the navigation module.
11. Location: This cannot be changed for the home page.
12. Header Image: This is where to enter a header image.
13. Rotator: This is where to enter a rotator.
14: Template: The "Index" template is created specifically for the home page. This needs to remain the selected template in order to utilize sections.
15: Sections: Sections are the best way to utilize the homepage features to make it both unique and informative.
The bulk of your home page is comprised of sections, which are managed under Content > Sections. Your theme will include the following preset sections for the home page, but you are welcome to add your own, as well!
- Home - Banners: displays 4 banners under the header image with featured content of your choosing
- Home - Churches: displays a campus selector which generates a map when a campus is selected
Home - Events: displays a grid of the latest Featured events from the Events module
- Home - Text: this is an example content section
- Home - Sermon: displays the latest message(s) from the Sermons module
- Home - Ministries: displays a carousel of featured ministries or other content of your choosing from a link list
- Home - Article: displays the latest articles from the Articles module
- Home - Blog: displays the latest blog posts from the Blogs module
- Home - Apps: this is an example content section that you could link to your church app

The home page allows up to 9 content sections to be assigned to a page. These sections can contain anything that a subpage can (text, images, videos, etc) and will display under the header image/rotator/header video space on your homepage.
Sections may be reordered in the "1-9" dropdowns, which displays from top to bottom on the page. You can assign a section as "None" to remove it, and you can create your own new sections to add to the home page.