Splash Layout Overview

The "Splash Layout" is used for your main homepage and includes the following custom elements:

Content > Pages > Navigation Tab > "Index" nav item

The top links for the splash layout are separate from the main site navigation. These links are managed under the INDEX item in the navigation area.

Note: The "Index" nav items is pointing to the homepage, so please make sure that stays in place.

I'm New Tab

Content > Link Lists > "Splash - I'm New"

This tab will remain sticky on the right side as you scroll down the page.

Locations Section

People > Churches

The campuses are listed in this module, and you can click on the campus name to edit the image, title, service times and campus info link.

Each campus has a corresponding group listed with a matching name under the Groups module (People > Groups), and each of these groups is assigned to the Campus series.

To order the campuses, select the Campuses series and you can drag/drop the order below.