Top Header

Campus Menu

The campuses are managed under People > Branches

For each campus the following fields are used:

  • Name
  • Physical Address
  • Logo
  • Description

When the campus menu is active, it will display expanded when landing on the homepage. The user is able to select a home campus, which will then set the campus cookie and the selected campus will be noted in the header.

To remove the campus menu, go to People > Churches and choose the "Hide Campus" check box at the bottom.

Countdown Timer

The timer will countdown to the next event with the "Live Service" category assigned (Events > Events). When an event is live, the timer will change to a button to link out to your live stream.

The titles and link are manage under Content  > Link Lists > Countdown. One item is setup in the list and the following fields are used:

  • Name: controls the button text when an event is "live"
  • Link: controls the button link
  • Description: controls the text preceding the timer

Content > Link Lists > Top Links