Custom Outreach Template
This template is titled "Outreach Custom Layout" and is assigned to your Outreach page.
The header area uses the default options for your subpages (header image, rotator or background video). See header overview here >>
Featured Events
Section: Outreach - Featured Events
This section shows 1 or 2 featured events with the "Outreach" category assigned (Events > Events). If only one event is available, it will display centered. The entire section will disappear if there are no events to show.
Outreach Tabs
Section: Outreach - Tabs
This content for this section is managed via a link list: Content > Link Lists > "Outreach - Tabs Content". The first level of link list items represents the tabs, and the second level items populate the grid of each tab's content area. For the items within each list, the name, link, image and description fields are used. If image isn't loaded, a black box will fill that space.
Also, the first 2nd level item in each grouping will have the different styling for a header and text only.