
General Notes

  • The syncing process is triggered every 15 mins
  • The credentials you set up will need to have full admin privileges, and we recommend setting up a generic login (like Username MonkDev or Integration). If you use a personal login, and someone changes their password down the line – the integration will break

Events Integration

  • All events are synced as one-time events. Recurring events are not supported.
  • Events are only synced one year into the future, in order to keep syncing quick and stable for everyone
  • The "featured" status needs to be manually added to events in the cms. 

Fields Synced

Below is a list of fields synced from CCB and the corresponding fields in the Events module in the CMS.

CCB Event Field

CMS Events Field


Name Name

Group Type CMS Category Note: three fields from CCB will sync as categories in the events module. Your layout has been updated to only show "group type" as the visible category.
Grouping Name CMS Category
Group Name CMS Category


Start/End Date

Start Time Start Time

End Time End Time
Image  Event Image
Rooms Rooms
Location Location
Leader Coordinator
Registration External Registration Link
Campus ID Site Groups The campus assigned in CCB will pull into the cms as the campus group

Small Groups Integration

Fields Synced

Here is a list of synced fields, and the synced fields are locked by default in the cms.

CCB Small Group Field

CMS Field Description

Group Type CMS Category
Note: two fields from CCB will sync as categories in the small groups module. Your layout has been updated to only show "group type" as the visible category.
Department CMS Category


Childcare Provided Childcare Provided

Image Image
Leader ID Primary Leader
Location Location
Meeting Day ID Day of the week
Meeting Time Start time "Meeting Time is only parse if its value has a valid time format
Campus ID  Site Groups The campus assigned in CCB will pull into the cms as the campus group