Ministry Custom Group Options
Ministry Layout 1 - Group Directory Countdown

The monklet "Ministry Layout 1 - Group Directory Countdown" is tied to the events module and requires the "find_category" inline parameter to define which event category to pull from. If there is an event assigned to the category it will display the most recent event in the section with a timer.
Event is not live
- The countdown timer will display and count down until the start of the event.
- The event title with the tag line "Opens In" displays as the heading.
- The event "Alternate Text" field displays under the heading.
Event is live
- The countdown timer will display and count down until the end of the event.
- The event title with the tag line "Closes In" displays as the heading.
- The event "Text" field displays under the heading.
- A custom drop down will allow the user to select a pre-filtered landing of the groups template.
Event is over and no new events
- The text you enter into the section before/after this monklet will display if there is no event or the event is over.

There are two section categories that can be used to allow you to format a section in two columns. "Column - Image Right" and "Column - Image Left". If either of these section categories are assigned to a section it will move the Background Image used to either the right or left with the content in the opposite column.
Images should be either a 16:9 (eg. 1,024p by 576px) ratio or 4:3 (eg. 1,024p by 768px). The 16:9 will display at a smaller height resolution and the 4:3 a little larger.
For full width make sure to select your section full width option.
Free Form Sections

You have the option of adding additional free form sections as needed. Several additional classes have been added to the editor.
- .text-blue - turns the text to the blue color
- heading-large - turns the heading 3 tag to the larger heading font size (the designs have a larger heading 3 than your site default.