Alert Bar & Popup

Events > Events

Uses the events module and pulls the most recent event assigned to the “Alert Bar” category.

  • You can schedule via the event start and end date.
  • The “Alert Bar” category has been hidden from monklets, events, layout, etc.
  • Event "image" is the background, the "website" field is the optional link, the "description" field is the text and the "summary" field controls the optional button text.
  • The alert bar will only display on the homepage. You can select the "Alert Bar Site Wide" check box to display an alert site wide.

Homepage Alert Popup

The section titled "website announcement" can be used to display a popup on the homepage. If you have any content added to the section, then it will display. You would then need to remove the section content for the popup to be removed.

Content > Sections > "Alert Message - Campus Name"

This will display an alert popup box only on the respective campus/location page, ex: All content, buttons, etc. are managed in the  section "content" field. 

To turn off the popup, you can add "Off" to the end of the section title, ex: "Alert Message - Lakeville - Off"

Subpage Alert Popup

Content > Sections

Other templates such as the Ministry #1 layout have an “Announcement” section option available, which will add a pop-up the specific page. The content and image will pull from the designated section selected in the dropdown. This is only setup for specific templates.