Serve Template

Editing the Serve Template

To edit the template: 

Navigate to Templates > Serve Template > click "Edit with Elementor."

The Serve template is made up of various Sections.

  1. Page Video Hero Section
  2. Three Column Icon Section
  3. Two Column Right Content Section
  4. Two Column Left Content Section
  5. Ministry Grid Section
  6. Stories Section
  7. Anchor Button Link Section

Full listing of Elementor Widgets:

1. Page Video Hero Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background (Set to Video) and Background Overlay.
  2. Heading Widget
  3. Heading Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Page Video Hero Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

2. Three Column Icon Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background.
  2. Column 1:
    1. Text Editor Widget
      1. Text Editor Background: Edit Text Editor > Advanced > Background
      2. Text Editor Border: Edit Text Editor > Advanced > Border
    2. Icon Widget
  3. Column 2:
    1. Text Editor Widget
      1. Text Editor Background: Edit Text Editor > Advanced > Background
      2. Text Editor Border: Edit Text Editor > Advanced > Border
    2. Icon Widget
  4. Column 3:
    1. Text Editor Widget
      1. Text Editor Background: Edit Text Editor > Advanced > Background
      2. Text Editor Border: Edit Text Editor > Advanced > Border
    2. Icon Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Three Column Icon Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

3. Two Column Right Content Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background
  2. Column 1:
    1. Background Image: Edit Column > Style > Background
  3. Column 2: 
    1. Inner Section
      1. Heading Widget
      2. Divider Widget
      3. Text Editor Widget
      4. Button Widget
        1. This button has been linked to the Anchor Widget in the "Anchor Button Link Section" at the bottom of the page. 
        2. For information on how to use this widget, check out this Elementor documentation: Menu Anchor Widget.

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Two Column Right Content Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

4. Two Column Left Content Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background
  2. Column 1:
    1. Inner Section
      1. Heading Widget
      2. Heading Widget
      3. Divider Widget
      4. Text Editor Widget
      5. Heading Widget
  3. Column 2: 
    1. Background Image: Edit Column > Style > Background

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Two Column Left Content Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

5. Ministry Grid Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background
  2. Heading Widget
  3. Divider Widget
  4. Inner Section (repeated to form multiple rows)
    1. Column 1:
      1. Flip Box Widget
    2. Column 2: Flip Box Widget
      1. Flip Box Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Ministry Grid Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

6. Stories Icon Box Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background
  2. Heading Widget
  3. Divider Widget
  4. Inner Section
    1. Column 1:
      1. Icon Box Widget
    2. Column 2:
      1. Icon Box Widget
    3. Column 3:
      1. Icon Box Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Stories Icon Box Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background
  2. Anchor Widget
    1. The button in the "Two Column Right Content Section" at the top of the page is linked to this Anchor Widget.
    2. For information on how to use this widget, check out this Elementor documentation: Menu Anchor Widget.
  3. Heading Widget
  4. Divider Widget
  5. Button Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Anchor Button Link Section > click "Edit with Elementor."