First Visit Template

Editing the First Visit Template

To edit the template: 

Navigate to Templates > First Visit Template > click "Edit with Elementor."

The First Visit template is made up of various Sections.

  1. Page Hero Section
  2. Page Intro Quote Section
  3. Two Column CCB Upcoming Events Section
  4. Single Column Accordion Section
  5. Take the Next Step Section
  6. What We Believe Section
  7. Contact Form Section

Full listing of Elementor Widgets:

1. Page Hero Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background and Background Overlay.
  2. Heading Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Page Hero Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

2. Page Intro Quote Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background.
  2. Column 1:
    1. Image Widget
  3. Column 2:
    1. Blockquote Widget
  4. Column 3:
    1. Heading Widget
    2. Divider Widget
    3. Heading Widget
    4. Button Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Page Intro Quote Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

3. Two Column CCB Upcoming Events Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background.
  2. Column 1:
    1. Heading Widget
    2. Divider Widget
    3. Heading Widget
    4. Button Widget
  3. Column 2:
    1. HTML Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Two Column CCB Upcoming Events Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

4. Single Column Accordion Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background and Background Overlay.
  2. Heading Widget
  3. Divider Widget
  4. Text Editor Widget
  5. Accordion Widget
    1. This was styled by adding the "Tabs Toggle Accordion Section" to the page, copying the style from the Accordion example and pasting it to the Local Outreach accordion, then deleting the "Tabs Toggle Accordion Section." To copy a style, just right-click on any widget and click "copy."
  6. Button Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Single Column Accordion Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

5. Take the Next Step Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background.
  2. Heading Widget
  3. Divider Widget
  4. Heading Widget
  5. Inner Section
    1. Column 1:
      1. Call to Action Widget
    2. Column 2:
      1. Call to Action Widget
    3. Column 3:
      1. Call to Action Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Take the Next Step Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

6. What We Believe Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background.
  2. Heading Widget
  3. Divider Widget
  4. Inner Section (repeated to create multiple rows)
    1. Column 1:
      1. Heading Widget
      2. Text Editor Widget
    2. Column 2:
      1. Heading Widget
      2. Text Editor Widget
    3. Column 3:
      1. Heading Widget
      2. Text Editor Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > What We Believe Section > click "Edit with Elementor."

7. Contact Form Section

Editable Content:

  1. Background Color: Edit Section > Style > Background and Background Overlay.
  2. Heading Widget
  3. HTML Widget

To edit the Section Template: 

Navigate to Templates > Section > Contact Form Section > click "Edit with Elementor."