

Content > Pages > Index

The "INDEX" template is your homepage template and is assigned automatically to your home page. In the CMS, your homepage will be titled "INDEX" and cannot be changed.

The header options for your homepage are the same for your subpage templates: static image, muted/looping background video or image rotator.

With an image or video, you can use the "Header Text" field to add a text overlay. For the rotator, the text will pull from each item within the rotator setup. 


The rest of the page is controlled via sections, and the homepage sections function the same way as the "Subpage Default" template.

Content > Link Lists > Featured Links

Within each item, the following fields are used: name, link, description, button text and icon class.

See a full list of available icons here: http://princeofpeace.monkpreview3.com/_assets/fonts/icons/icomoon/

Within the Home - Featured Links section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Link List Featured Links" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify which link list to use.

ex: {{section-monklet-linklist-featured-links|find="featured-links"}} 

The "section top" category is added, in order for this section to overlap the header/billboard area.

Home - Sermon

Content > Sermons

Displays the most recent sermon

Home - Groups

Content > Link Lists > Groups and Studies

The link list should only have a single level 1 entry (ie: Groups & Studies). This is used for the left column and displays the Name as the section heading followed by the Description. The URL and Button text are required to display the button.

The link list second level entries will display in the right column. This will look best with 3 (possibly 2) entries. These require the Name, URL and the custom icon is created by entering a custom class in the "icon class" field (ie: icon-twitter). A full list of icons is available here: http://princeofpeace.monkpreview3.com/_assets/fonts/icons/icomoon.

Within the Home - Groups section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Link List Groups" is added in the content field. The "find" parameter is needed in order to specify which link list to use.

ex: {{section-monklet-linklist-groups|find="groups-and-studies"}}

The background image field is used, as well as the "section dark" and "section overlay" category options.

Home - Events

Events > Events 

Displays the three most recent events published as featured.

Within the Home - Events section, the "section heading" field controls the title.

Home - Podcasts

Content > Articles

Displays the most recent articles from the Articles module published to the "Podcasts" category. Within the article, the "summary" field is used for the larger text in the left column. The right column contains the podcast information.

Within the Home - Podcasts section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Latest Podcast (Article)" is added in the content field.  You can use the "find_group" or "find_category" inline parameters as needed. 

The background image field is used, as well as the "section dark" and "section overlay" category options.

Home - Stories

Content > Articles

Displays the most recent articles from the Articles module published to the "Stories" category. The article "summary" field is displayed as the blockquote and the "author" is listed as the caption.

Within the Home - Stories section, the monklet labeled "Section Monklet - Stories Carousel (Article)" is added in the content field.  The "find_category" parameter is added to the monklet, in order to show only the latest articles assigned to the "stories" category.

ex: {{section-monklet-stories-carousel-article|find_category="stories"}} 

The "section heading" field is also used to control the title.